In letzter Zeit habe ich wieder auf Instagram, im englischen-sprachigen Booktube und auf Goodreads ein paar Bücher entdeckt, wo ich mir eine Übersetzung wünsche und diese Bücher stelle ich euch in diesem Post vor.
Zu dem Thema habe ich schon mal ein paar Posts gemacht, die findet ihr hier.
Den Klappentext zeige ich euch auf Englisch (es gibt ja noch keinen auf Deutsch :D)
Vorab ein paar gute Neuigkeiten :

>> "They both die at the end" von Adam Silvera wäre fast auch in diesem Post gelandet, aber glücklicherweise hat der Autor bei diesem Bild auf Instagram geschrieben, dass das Buch noch diesen Herbst auf Deutsch erscheinen wird ^-^ (Vorfreude ♥)
>> "When it's Real" aus dem letzten Post erscheint am 2.5.18 bei Piper.

>> Ich liebe Geschichten, die im Weltall spielen und diese klingt ziemlich gut und vielversprechend.
Darum gehts :
Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met, never even spoken to – someone who is light years away?
Romy Silvers is the only surviving crew-member of a spaceship travelling to a new planet, on a mission to establish a second home for humanity amongst the stars. Alone in space, she is the loneliest girl in the universe until she hears about a new ship which has launched from Earth – with a single passenger on board. A boy called J.
Their only communication with each other is via email – and due to the distance between them, their messages take months to transmit across space. And yet Romy finds herself falling in love.
But what does Romy really know about J? And what do the mysterious messages which have started arriving from Earth really mean?
Sometimes, there’s something worse than being alone . . .

>> Der Klappentext hat mich direkt angesprochen und es hört sich ziemlich spannend an.
Darum gehts :
I Needed to Win.
They Needed to Die.
Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class—and the nobles who destroyed their home.
When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand—the Queen’s personal assassins, named after the rings she wears—Sal jumps at the chance to infiltrate the court and get revenge.
But the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. And as Sal succeeds in the competition, and wins the heart of Elise, an intriguing scribe at court, they start to dream of a new life and a different future, but one that Sal can have only if they survive.

>> Morgan Matson gehört zu meinen liebsten Contemporay-Autorinnen und deswegen möchte ich ihr neues Buch natürlich auch lesen.
Das Buch ist aber auch noch gar nicht erschienen und ich freue mich erstmal auf "Ein Sommer auf gut Glück" von ihr, was im April erscheint.
Darum gehts :
Charlie Grant’s older sister is getting married this weekend at their family home, and Charlie can’t wait—for the first time in years, all four of her older siblings will be under one roof. Charlie is desperate for one last perfect weekend, before the house is sold and everything changes. The house will be filled with jokes and games and laughs again. Making decisions about things like what college to attend and reuniting with longstanding crush Jesse Foster—all that can wait. She wants to focus on making the weekend perfect.
The only problem? The weekend is shaping up to be an absolute disaster.
There’s the unexpected dog with a penchant for howling, house alarm that won’t stop going off, and a papergirl with a grudge.
There are the relatives who aren’t speaking, the (awful) girl her favorite brother brought home unannounced, and a missing tuxedo.
Not to mention the neighbor who seems to be bent on sabotage and a storm that is bent on drenching everything. The justice of the peace is missing. The band will only play covers. The guests are all crazy. And the wedding planner’s nephew is unexpectedly, distractingly…cute.
Over the course of three ridiculously chaotic days, Charlie will learn more than she ever expected about the family she thought she knew by heart. And she’ll realize that sometimes, trying to keep everything like it was in the past means missing out on the future.

>> Die "Luna-Chroniken" von Marissa Meyer liebe ich und Renegades hört sich toll an.
Darum gehts :
Secret Identities. Extraordinary Powers. She wants vengeance. He wants justice.
The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies — humans with extraordinary abilities — who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone... except the villains they once overthrew.
Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice — and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.

>> Der Klappentext macht mich total neugierig auf das Buch und
ich bin gespannt auf die Umsetzung mit den Zeitreisen.
Darum gehts :
Stop the Magician. Steal the book. Save the future.
In modern-day New York, magic is all but extinct. The remaining few who have an affinity for magic—the Mageus—live in the shadows, hiding who they are. Any Mageus who enters Manhattan becomes trapped by the Brink, a dark energy barrier that confines them to the island. Crossing it means losing their power—and often their lives.
Esta is a talented thief, and she’s been raised to steal magical artifacts from the sinister Order that created the Brink. With her innate ability to manipulate time, Esta can pilfer from the past, collecting these artifacts before the Order even realizes she’s there. And all of Esta’s training has been for one final job: traveling back to 1902 to steal an ancient book containing the secrets of the Order—and the Brink—before the Magician can destroy it and doom the Mageus to a hopeless future.
But Old New York is a dangerous world ruled by ruthless gangs and secret societies, a world where the very air crackles with magic. Nothing is as it seems, including the Magician himself. And for Esta to save her future, she may have to betray everyone in the past.

>> Ich finde es klingt ziemlich spannend und ich würde gerne Henriettas Geschichte entdecken.
Darum gehts :
I am Henrietta Howel. The first female sorcerer. The prophesied one. Or am I?
Henrietta Howel can burst into flames. When she is brought to London to train with Her Majesty's sorcerers, she meets her fellow sorcerer trainees, young men eager to test her powers and her heart. One will challenge her. One will fight for her. One will betray her. As Henrietta discovers the secrets hiding behind the glamour of sorcerer life, she begins to doubt that she's the true prophesied one. With battle looming, how much will she risk to save the city--and the one she loves?

>> Ich denke viele von euch kennen die "These Broken Stars"-Reihe von den beiden Autorinnen.
Und ich finde es ziemlich cool, dass sie zusammen eine neue Science-Fiction-Reihe schreiben und die klingt auch ziemlich gut.
Darum gehts :
When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution the planet has been waiting for. The Undying's advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to be uncovered.
For Jules Addison and his fellow scholars, the discovery of an alien culture offers unprecedented opportunity for study... as long as scavengers like Amelia Radcliffe don't loot everything first. Mia and Jules' different reasons for smuggling themselves onto Gaia put them immediately at odds, but after escaping a dangerous confrontation with other scavvers, they form a fragile alliance.
In order to penetrate the Undying temple and reach the tech and information hidden within, the two must decode the ancient race's secrets and survive their traps. But the more they learn about the Undying, the more their presence in the temple seems to be part of a grand design that could spell the end of the human race...
Wartet ihr auch sehnsüchtig auf ein paar Übersetzungen ?
Vielleicht die gleichen wie bei mir ?
Alles liebe & bis bald

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